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Members Present: Maureen Birden, Susan Improta, Cindy McIntyre, Ashley Mele, Tom Murtha, Ron Pekrul, Leonard Penna, Layne Lescault, Rosalie Newman, Diane Savinelli, Jim Solomon
Members Not Present: Denise Rodriguez
Staff Members Present: Beth Agen
Guest Members Present: Paul Mangiafico, Steve Meeker

  • Call to Order
  • The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm on October 25, 2010 by Tom Murtha in the downstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
  • Roll Call- The roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
  • Nominating Committee - Tom Murtha asked that action be taken on the nominating committee business at the beginning of the meeting.  A motion was made by Jim Solomon to elect Paul Mangiafico and Steve Meeker to the NYFS Board of Directors.  The motion was seconded by Diane Savinelli and approved unanimously.
  • Approval of September 2010 Minutes - Motion made by Susan Improta to approve the September minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Maureen Birden. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Chairman’s Report
  • Tom Murtha brought the Board up-to-date on parking lot slip and fall. He has tried to contact the landlord and has talked with our insurance carrier.
  • Tom has had discussions with Newtown authorities about the Fairfield Hills situation.  Although, relocation to Fairfield Hills is a nice long-term possibility, it will probably not be a solution when our lease expires in 2 years, so we should look at other alternatives.
  • Tom initiated a discussion about consolidating all services at 17 Church Hill Road and closing Mt. Pleasant.  This move will help us get our financial house in order, which is imperative. Beth says the move, while not ideal, is better than the alternative and will allow us to continue providing services to our clients. We will have to reconfigure the Church Hill space, rent more parking and add handicapped accessibility to the 1st floor interior. Ways of easing the transition for staff were discussed.
  • Cindy McIntyre moved to consolidate operations to 17 Church Hill by February 1st, 2011. Second by Diane Savinelli. Motion passed unanimously.
  • Executive Director’s Report - See attachment Executive Director’s Report, October 2010.
  • Clinical sessions are back on track after the summer lull.  
  • Having Jill Pluta do all intake and assigning clients to clinicians has significantly reduced the wait time.  Some clients have specific requirements as to when they will see clinicians, which contributes to the longest wait times.
  • Supportive hours have increased by 32.6% for the 3 months ended September 30, 2010.
  • United Way is changing their way of funding.  Our next funding application will be for a 4-year period.

  • Treasurers Report - See attachments titled Sept. Collapsed P and L and YTD Collapsed P and L
Ron advised that inaccuracies in behavioral health revenue (overstated) had led to inaccurate budget for FY 2010/2011 and we will have to revise our budget accordingly.  The figures for July – September are accurate, and Beth has spent much time reviewing our financial records to correct any other errors.  Steve Meeker suggested recasting the budget based on the actual that we know are correct.
  • Reports of Committees
  • Executive/Governance (Policy and Procedure) – no report
  • Personnel – The Personnel Committee met on September 14 and reviewed 2 employee evaluations.  The Committee also approved 3 changes to the Employee Handbook and recommends that the Board approve the revised handbook.  A motion was made by Maureen Birden, seconded by Cindy McIntyre, to approve the handbook.  Said motion passed unanimously.
  • Finance – There was a continued discussion on recasting the FY 2010-2011 budget.
  • Development and FundraisingHoliday Festival fundraising is underway.  Fundraising Committee to develop other fundraisers for the remainder of this fiscal year.
Long-Range Planning – no report
Audit – no report
Continuous Quality Improvement – no report
Facilities – see Chair’s report
Nominating – Still have openings for board positions

6. Old Business - None

7. New Business - None

8. Adjournment
        At 7:55 pm motion made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Maureen Birden to adjourn meeting. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Layne Lescault October 26, 2010